Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Renting vs. buying.

Renting vs. buying...What is best for you? You don't need to break the bank to be a homeowner! It is important when doing your loan you do NOT break the bank! Take into account EVERY payment you have and utilites, and do not go above your limit (including free $ for the month!)


*******HUGE price reduction!!******

*~*Gorgeous 5 Bedroom Home*~* *********HUGE price reduction!!******* Tea eBay Classifieds (Kijiji) 3524841


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thinking of selling your home? Start here!

I have been a realtor in the Sioux Falls and surrounding areas for over 16 years. In that time, I have come up with a few tips and ideas to help my sellers go from a listing to a sale!

~First and most important, Declutter/Depersonalize!

You are moving anyways right? Why not pack up AT LEAST 1/2 of your items? It works well both for saving time when it does come to move and it allows possible buyers to imagine their items in the space. You may enjoy your things, but others might have a different taste. They are not buying your things, they are buying your house. They may spend more time looking at your things or trying to decide if they know anyone in the photos around your home than actually looking at your home!

~Clean, Clean, Clean!

This is always a never ending task, but it is more important than ever when trying to sell your home!

~Look at current listings to see what they may be doing right (or wrong).

The best way to get an idea of what else is out there on the market (as well as your competition) look around at current listings in your particular area.

~Google your address.

I doubt you have ever thought of doing this, but potential buyers might! You might as well make sure you know what is out there on the internet about your home or area!


GREAT starter home with a fenced in yard

Call me today to see this or any listing in the Sioux Falls area!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

800 South Byron Cir, Tea, South Dakota

800 South Byron Cir, Tea, South Dakota


3905 S Bedford Ave Sioux Falls, SD

3905 S Bedford Ave , Sioux Falls, South Dakota
